Monday, March 18, 2013




Some years ago I was in desperate need for a change in my life. At times our life can fall into a monotonous lifestyle in which you may feel short of motivation and inspiration. This was happening to me and for this reason I felt that way.

Days, months and even years passed by and my need was getting bigger. On occasions I remember taking the time to express how I felt

to God. It was really all I did, express myself and vent, but I did not give him a chance to speak to me, let alone give myself the opportunity to listen to Him. We love to talk and be heard but rarely heed to hear what God wants to tell us.

It is not until pain, need and desperation consumes us so much that we finally collapse on our knees before His presence. It can be difficult to express what we feel inside, so we simply mourn and groan. It is in this moment of surrender that God speaks to us. That moment came to my life and I still remember how His incomparable love was able to comfort me.

As he comforted me with his love and kindness I was able to receive his beautiful and encouraging words. How sweet to my palate was His word, as medicine for my hurting heart and like a compass for my complicated path. His words began to work in me and I gradually began to experience that much needed change in my life.

Jeremiah 31:3

“I have loved you, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

Today I can describe this transition as a spiritual metamorphosis. This process by which God has allowed me to go through now gives me the wisdom and privilege to write about. Certainly this material (book) will impact many lives and inspire many to desire to be transformed each day by Him. It has been and will continue to be a beautiful and exciting adventure with my beloved God of which I know many will be built.

(Stay tuned!)

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know what I have planned for you, says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.

Today I confess that I am living the best days of my life since I allowed God transform my whole being. I've learned that when God takes over your life completely your future becomes exciting and bright but above all secure! The changes I am going through right now are spectacular. The understanding that I am receiving is helping me grow to new spiritual levels in my personal relationship with God. I'm changing my perspective towards many things and because of this I now see life differently. Yes different!! Totally different, just God's way! And I cannot conclude without first exclaiming from the depth of my being that I OWE IT ALL TO HIM!

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